Item List-
- (Press Ctrl + F to look up an item)
Apple - Anywhere (2 Coins) Restores 5 HP. Inside crates in Boo's Mansion. Apple
Pie - Anywhere (10 Coins) Restores 5 HP and 15 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Cake Mix + Apple) Big Cookie
- Anywhere (10 Coins) Restores 20 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Cake Mix + Egg) Bland Meal - Shiver City
(15 Coins) Restores 10 HP and 10 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Koopa Leaf + Goomnut) Blue Berry - Anywhere
(2 Coins) Restores 5 FP. The Blue Berry Tree in Flower Fields, along the southeast path. Boiled
Egg - Anywhere (10 Coins) Restores 8 HP and 8 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Egg + Strange Leaf) Bubble
Berry - Yoshi Village (5 Coins) Restores 5 HP. The Bubble Berry Tree in Flower Fields, near the pond along the southeast path.
Cake - Star Haven (15 Coins) Restores 15 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Cake Mix) Cake Mix - Anywhere (3 Coins)
Restores 1 FP. The Shy Guys west of Blue Station in Shy Guy's Toy Box. Coconut
- Anywhere (1 Coin) Use it in battle to do 3 HP damage to 1 enemy. The Palm Trees on Lavalava Island. Coco
Pop - Anywhere (12 Coins) Restores 3 HP and 15 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Cake Mix + Coconut) Deluxe
Feast - Shiver City (70 Coins) Restores 40 HP and 40 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Potato Salad + Shroom Steak) Dizzy
Dial Koopa Village (10 Coins) Anywhere (6 Coins) Use in battle to make all enemies dizzy. Bought in Harry's Shop, Koopa Village,
Shiver City and Bowser's Castle. Cooked by Tayce T. (Strange Leaf) Dried Fruit - Shroom Grocery
(20 Coins) Restores 15 HP. Dropped by Pokeys in Dry Dry Desert. Dried Pasta Dry Dry Outpost (3
Coins) Star Haven (7 Coins) Restores 3 HP and 2 FP. Bought in Dry Dry Outpost. Dried Shroom Dry
Dry Outpost (2 Coins) Shroom Grocery/Boo's Mansion (3 Coins) Restores 1 HP. Bought in Dry Dry Outpost. Left by Black Li'l-Oinks.
Sold by Rip Cheato. Dusty Hammer Dry Dry Outpost (2 Coins) Boo's Mansion (4 Coins) Use it in battle
to cause 1 HP damage to 1 enemy. Bought in Dry Dry Outpost. Egg - Anywhere (2 Coins) Restores 5
HP. In the bushes at Mt. Rugged (near the Train Station). Egg Missile - Bowser's Castle (30 Coins)
Use it in battle to cause 6 HP damage to 1 enemy. Cooked by Tayce T. (Egg + Fire Flower) Electro
Pop - Anywhere (25 Coins) Restores 15 HP and electrifies Mario, so enemies who touch him will be damaged. Cooked by Tayce
T. (Cake Mix + Volt Shroom) Fire Flower Yoshi Village (5 Coins) Shiver City (8 Coins) Use it in
battle to cause 3 HP damage to all enemies. Bought in Shroom Grocery, Koopa Village and Yoshi Village. Cooked by Tayce T.
(Dried Fruit + Strange Leaf) Dropped by Pink Li'l-Oinks. Fire Pop -
Anywhere (20 Coins) Restores 20 FP, but you lose 1 HP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Cake Mix + Fire Flower) Fried
Egg - Anywhere (7 Coins) Restores 10 HP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Egg) Fried Shroom - Anywhere (5 Coins)
Restores 6 HP and 2 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Mushroom) Fright Jar Shroom Grocery (5 Coins) Bowser's
Castle (15 Coins) Use it in battle to scare away enemies. Bought in Shroom Grocery. Frozen Fries
- Shiver City (18 Coins) Restores 15 HP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Iced Potato + Fire Flower) Goomnut
- Anywhere (2 Coins) Restores 3 FP. The Goomnut Tree in Goomba Village. Healthy Juice - Anywhere
(25 Coins) Restores 40 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Special Shake + Strange Leaf) Honey Candy - Anywhere
(15 Coins) Restores 20 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Cake Mix + Honey Syrup) Honey Shroom - Star Haven
(15 Coins) Restores 5 HP and 5 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Mushroom + Honey Syrup) Honey Super - Anywhere
(20 Coins) Restores 10 HP and 5 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Volt Shroom + Honey Syrup) Honey Syrup
Dry Dry Outpost (5 Coins) Anywhere (3 Coins) Restores 5 FP. Bought in Shroom Grocery, Koopa Village, Dry Dry Outpost, and
Yoshi Village. Honey Ultra - Anywhere (75 Coins) Restores 50 HP and 5 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Ultra
Shroom + Honey Syrup) Hot Shroom - Anywhere (15 Coins) Restores 15 HP and 5 FP. Cooked by Tayce
T. (Volt Shroom) Iced Potato - Dry Dry Outpost/Yoshi Village (10 Coins) Restores 5 HP. Stay the
night in the Toad House in Shiver City. Jammin' Jelly - Anywhere (50 Coins) Restores 50 FP. Left
by Silver Li'l-Oinks Occasionally dropped by Amazee Dayzee 1 can be won at the 64th annual Trivia Contest (as Peach) 1 is
found near the Volcano entrance (Behind a tree); 1 is found in Flower Fields (In a tree near Lily); 1 is found in a hidden
block (use Watt) in Crystal Palace (near the Rhino statues); 1 is found outside of Bowser's Castle (after the second "Bowser
Gate"). Jelly Pop - Anywhere (100 Coins) Restores 64 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Cake Mix + Jammin'
Jelly) Jelly Shroom - Anywhere (75 Coins) Restores 5 HP and 50 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Mushroom
+ Jammin' Jelly) Jelly Super - Anywhere (100 Coins) Restores 10 HP and 50 FP. Cooked by Tayce T.
(Volt Shroom + Jammin' Jelly) Jelly Ultra - Boo's Mansion (200 Coins) Restores 50 HP and 50 FP.
Cooked by Tayce T. (Ultra Shroom + Jammin' Jelly) Kooky Cookie - Koopa Village (15 Coins) Restores
15 FP and makes Mario sleepy, transparent or electrified in battle. Cooked by Tayce T. (Cake Mix + Koopa Leaf) Koopa Leaf - Anywhere (1 Coin) Restores 3 FP. Found in the bushes of Koopa Village. Koopasta
- Star Haven (15 Coins) Restores 7 HP and 7 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Dried Pasta + Koopa Leaf) Koopa
Tea - Koopa Village (4 Coins) Restores 7 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Koopa Leaf) Lemon - Shroom Grocery
(4 Coins) Restores 1 HP and 2 FP. On the lemon tree in the oasis in Dry Dry Desert. Lemon Candy
- Anywhere (15 Coins) Restores 5 HP and 15 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Cake Mix + Lemon) Life Shroom
Star Haven (25 Coins) Koopa Village (30 Coins) Restores 10 HP when your HP reach 0, or you can eat it for 10 HP. Bought in
Boo's Mansion, Shiver City, and Star Haven. Cooked by Tayce T. (Koopa Leaf + Volt Shroom) Sold by Rip Cheato. Left by Shroom
Li'l-Oinks. Lime - Shroom Grocery (4 Coins) Restores 3 FP. On the lime tree in the oasis in Dry
Dry Desert. Lime Candy - Anywhere (15 Coins) Restores 20 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Cake Mix + Lime)
Maple Shroom - Anywhere (25 Coins) Restores 5 HP and 10 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Mushroom + Maple Syrup)
Maple Super - Anywhere (35 Coins) Restores 10 HP and 10 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Volt Shroom + Maple Syrup)
Maple Syrup Star Haven (10 Coins) Anywhere (10 Coins) Restores 10 FP. Bought in Boo's Mansion, Shiver
City, Star Haven, and Bowser's Castle. Left by Flower Li'l-Oinks. Maple Ultra - Anywhere (100 Coins)
Restores 50 HP and 10 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Ultra Shroom + Maple Syrup) Melon - Dry Dry Outpost
(10 Coins) Restores 15 HP. Received when you give food cooked by Tayce T. to the yellow adult Yoshi in Yoshi Village.
Mistake - Bowser's Castle (20 Coins) Restores 1 HP and 1 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. when she's given a combination
of foods that doesn't make a recipe. Mushroom Dry Dry Outpost (3 Coins) Anywhere (2 Coins) Restores
5 HP. Bought in Shroom Grocery, Koopa Village and Dry Dry Outpost. Sold by Rip Cheato. Mystery?
Boo's Mansion (1 Coin) Anywhere (1 Coin) Use in battle to have the random effect of a Mushroom, Super Shroom, Stone Cap, Dizzy
Dial, Fire Flower, Thunder Rage, or cause damage to Mario. Bought in Boo's Mansion and Bowser's Castle Nutty
Cake - Anywhere (6 Coins) Restores 10 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Goomnut) Pebble - Bowser's Castle
(20 Coins) Use it in battle to do 1 HP damage to 1 enemy. Found on Shiver Mountain. Potato Salad
- Shiver City (10 Coins) Restores 10 HP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Iced Potato) POW Block Koopa Village
(4 Coins) Harry's Shop (5 Coins) Use in battle to cause 2 HP damage to any enemy on the ground or ceiling; flips over shelled
enemies, and knocks off enemies on ceiling. Bought in Shroom Grocery, Koopa Village and Bowser's Castle. Red
Berry - Anywhere (2 Coins) Restores 5 HP. The Red Berry Tree in Flower Fields, along the east path. Repel
Gel - Harry's Shop (30 Coins) Use in battle to make Mario invisible and invincible temporarily. Sold by Rip Cheato Left by
Question Mark Li'l-Oinks 1 Found in Gusty Gulch; 1 Found in a hidden box in Lavalava Jungle (in the path leading to the Volcano);
1 Found in Shiver Snowfield. Shooting Star Star Haven (15 Coins) Harry's Shop/Bowser's Castle (20
Coins) Use it in battle to cause 6 HP damage to all enemies. Bought in Shiver City and Star Haven Left by Star Li'l-Oinks
Shroom Cake - Star Haven (30 Coins) Restores 10 HP and 10 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Cake Mix + Mushroom)
Shroom Steak - Anywhere (45 Coins) Restores 30 HP and 10 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Life Shroom + Mushroom)
Sleepy Sheep Shroom Grocery (10 Coins) Star Haven (10 Coins) Use it in battle and it may cause all enemies
to fall asleep. Bought in Shroom Grocery Cooked by Tayce T. (Strange Leaf + Blue/Red/Yellow Berry) Snowman
Doll Shiver City (8 Coins) Dry Dry Outpost (12 Coins) Use it in battle to cause 4 HP damage to all enemies. Bought in Boo's
Mansion, Yoshi Village, and Shiver City. Spaghetti - Anywhere (7 Coins) Restores 6 HP and 4 FP.
Cooked by Tayce T. (Dried Pasta) Special Shake - Dry Dry Outpost (15 Coins) Restores 20 FP. Cooked
by Tayce T. (Melon) Spicy Soup - Anywhere (10 Coins) Restores 4 HP and 4 FP. Cooked by Tayce T.
(Fire Flower) Stinky Herb - Boo's Mansion (5 Coins) Restores 5 HP. Walk near the flowers on the
walls in Flower Fields, and sometimes these will appear. Stone Cap Harry's Shop (30 Coins) Anywhere
(15 Coins) Use in battle to turn Mario into stone temporarily. He can't move when stone, but he won't take any damage either.
Bought in Harry's Shop. Stop Watch Star Haven (15 Coins) Harry's Shop/Bowser's Castle (20 Coins)
When used in battle, it may paralyze all enemies temporarily. Bought in Boo's Mansion and Star Haven. Strange
Cake - Anywhere (10 Coins) When used in battle, this electrifies Mario, makes him transparent, or makes him fall asleep. Cooked
by Tayce T. (Cake Mix + Strange Leaf) Strange Leaf - Anywhere (2 Coins) Restores 5 FP. Found in
the bushes outside of Boo's Mansion. Super Shroom Star Haven (10 Coins) Anywhere (7 Coins) Restores
10 HP. Bought in Harry's Shop, Boo's Mansion, Yoshi Village, Shiver City, Star Haven and Bowser's Castle. Sold by Rip Cheato.
Left by White Li'l-Oinks. Super Soda Star Haven (3 Coins) Bowser's Castle (10 Coins) Cures Shrinking/Poisoning
and restores 5 FP. Bought in Star Haven. Cooked by Tayce T. (Apple) Sweet Shroom - Star Haven (70
Coins) Restores 30 HP and 20 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Cake Mix + Life Shroom) Tasty Tonic Yoshi
Village (2 Coins) Dry Dry Outpost (5 Coins) Cures Poisoning/Shrinking. Bought in Harry's Shop and Yoshi Village. Cooked by
Tayce T. (Lemon/Lime) Thunder Bolt Dry Dry Outpost (5 Coins) Anywhere (4 Coins) When used in battle,
it causes 5 HP damage to 1 enemy. Bought in Dry Dry Outpost. Thunder Rage Yoshi Village (15 Coins)
Star Haven (15 Coins) When used in battle, it causes 5 HP damage to all enemies. Bought in Harry's Shop, Yoshi Village and
Bowser's Castle. Cooked by Tayce T. (Dried Fruit + Volt Shroom) Left by Tiger Li'l-Oinks. Ultra
Shroom - Anywhere (50 Coins) Restores 50 HP. Left by Gold Li'l-Oinks 1 found in Dry Dry Desert (Go up a couple of screens
from Kolorado's camp, hit a question block with your hammer 100 times); 1 is received at the Toad House after giving the snowmen
the Bucket and Scarf (Stay the night to find it); 1 is found on Shiver Mountain (Hit a hidden box after breaking a brick block);
1 is found in Bowser's Castle; 1 is in a hidden box right outside of Peach's Castle Volt Shroom
Harry's Shop (10 Coins) Anywhere (7 Coins) Use it in battle to temporarily electrify Mario, so enemies who touch him are damaged.
Bought in Harry's Shop and Koopa Village. Cooked by Tayce T. (Mushroom + Koopa Leaf) Whacka's Bump
- Shroom Grocery (64 Coins) Restores 25 HP and 25 FP. On Mt. Rugged, hit Whacka with your hammer. You can only get 8 bumps
before Whacka dies...=( Yellow Berry - Anywhere (2 Coins) Restores 3 HP and 3 FP. The Yellow Berry
Tree in Flower Fields, along the southwest path. Yoshi Cookie - Yoshi Village (30 Coins) Restores
15 HP and 15 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Cake Mix + Melon) Yummy Meal - Shiver City (20 Coins) Restores
20 HP and 20 FP. Cooked by Tayce T. (Dried Pasta + Dried Fruit)
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